Your Caricature cartoon drawing business Made For You Caricaturist

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How To Order Caricature

If you're interesting in all caricatures that I've made, or you want to be caricaturized yourself, or you want someone special for you to be cartoonized for her/his birthday gift, or you want something different on special occasion? .... ANYTHING!!!

Now your wish's getting come true! Not only you will receive high resolution drawing (pure art without digital touch) via e-mail not long after you confirm the order, you'll also receive the original drawing through post. And all of that for only US$ 30!!!!

Please follow this simple steps to start your order :

  1. Contact me through e-mail on the address or you can call me at +62856-2007755
  2. Send also your wanna-be-caricaturized picture
  3. After I give my reply confirmation, you can transfer the above amount to this address :
    Receiver : Alif Rafik Khan
    Account number : 3770149389
    Bank : Bank Central Asia (BCA)
    swift code : CENAIDJA
    Location : Sukabumi, Indonesia

For the payment...
In this matter, I'm not receive payment through credit card or even PayPal, I preferred the classic one, that is, to directly transfer to my bank account. You will receive your drawing ASAP, usually three to five hours after the payment receives!

So, what are you waiting for? Order NOW!!!

Caricature of Zara Zettira ZR

Actually, the one who ordered this caricature of famous Indonesian novelist was not Zara Zettira herself, but her friend, the same person who gave me my first drawing order! Yep... It's Meta Hanindita again! Thanx for the order, Mom! :->

Monday, December 8, 2008

Caricature of Meta Hanindita

Finally I have order to do! One of 'foreigner' saw my website and called me immediately to have some drawing order. Happily I bowed so I asked for her (first I thought it's he!) to send me a picture of my 'victim'. So this is it guys! My first client... ever!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Caricature of Ricky Antolin a.k.a. Acun

Acun is my sister's husband, and they owned internet center in Sukabumi where I worked. It seems that he didn't quite like to be drawn off, but maybe because he want to pleased me, he displayed his face in the most complicated manner (because he moves a lot)!

Caricature of Ryan

This teen schooled in the most notorious school in my town, and like most of their students, his attitude symbolized the notoriety! Just imagine, in his social network Friendster, he made this kind of shoot out : Hell is made for me... What a bull!!!