Your Caricature cartoon drawing business Made For You Caricaturist

Monday, November 24, 2008

Caricature of Agus Muhammad Ramdhan

Agus loved to surf the web, so he could bet on football games. His favorite site is, and I just couldn't said nothing when I saw he stared at those monitor without blink, to watch what? Only some text without interesting pictures or videos! But he was generous enough when won, though!

Caricature of Agung Gunawan

This man is my colleague at Alty-Net. While I worked at morning till evening, he worked from 00.00 am to 08.00, and almost everyday! So I admire his body's strength to cope with this unlikely of life. In this sketch, he hold the magazine with the cover of shemale, inspired by crazy woman who used to be his greatest enemy!

Caricature of Deni Sulaeman

This drawing depicted Deni is look older than reality, maybe because he have big jaws and the posture of the infidel, so I cut back some slave to make this carricature as real as possible. Note the hand, it is "fuck you" in Indonesian gesture!

Caricature of Kurnia Arisandi a.k.a. Yayank

Yayank is one of our local customer at Altynet. He loves the music from ST 12 so much, he pretended himself as Charly the vocalist! There's no other intention from me to made his carricature like this, just to put up some spices on the already funny face!

Caricature of Ari Priatna Algyan a.k.a. Toples

Toples is one of my neighbour and also a work companion at Alty-Net. He have a bad habit to show-off his muddy-color underwear whenever he finished his bath, and so  decided to make his disgusting behaviour to be the prime theme of this carricature. Off course his face with full of zits need some recommendation too!!!